Thursday, 8 March 2007

Dory, Bruce, Sherman & Cecil

My wife named them....

Dory is the confident "Yellow Tailed Blue" Damsel, always prominent around the tank

Bruce - is the shy (I know you work it out) YTB Damsel, always the first to shy away when anyone is near the tank

Sherman - is the confident cleaner shrimp, extremely tame, always inquisitive, wants to know what is going on whenever anyone is near the tank - eats like there is no tomorrow

Cecil - the dancing shrimp - is similar to Bruce in how shy he is - always at the back of the tank until lights out, seems happy enough though

Sunday, 4 March 2007

Yellow Tailed Blues - new additions

Purchased 2 Yellow Tailed Blues today, Cecil and Sherman (Dancing & Cleaner Shrimp) didn't look too pleased, fish invading their tank space, but now all is okay - one of the blue damsels was confident from the off swimming straight out investigating, the other one took about an hour before it starting coming out from the rocks, but now both seem happy swimming around enjoying themselves. Bought some frozen brine for our new damsels also, so will give them their first feed in their new home later!